The internet, coupled with social media, has completely transformed the way we interact with each other. The world has shrunk and become a small place where everybody seems to know everybody. If you do not believe us, you might want to check the 3 and half degree of separation theory on Facebook.

Celebrities are no longer unapproachable and the information that earlier took months to spread now goes viral in milliseconds. From your highschool classmates to people you met last week for dinner, you know what everybody is up to thanks to the fact that you are connected with them online. There’s no doubt social media, and Facebook in particular, has become a significant part of our daily lives. 

We emphasize more on Facebook is because it is the most popular social networking website in the world and is responsible for getting a major chunk of the world’s population online. While we don’t think there is nothing wrong in using Facebook, since it is an effective communication tool, we also feel that people should know how to do without it. 

Most people forgot long back that at the end of the day, Facebook is just a website. So instead of posting things they did online, they do things to post online. If you think about it, even you may have done something sometime just so that you could post it on Facebook. 

And if you have, then this is exactly the kind of addiction we are talking about. You need to disconnect. And here is why:

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