Where can I comment on files?
Currently, commenting is available on any of your Dropbox files and shared links viewed on dropbox.com or on the Dropbox Android or iOS apps.
Who is notified when I post a comment, and how are they notified?
The owner of the file, anyone who has commented on the file, and anyone who was @mentioned in the file will be sent an email indicating that a new comment was added. These same people will also receive an in-app notification on dropbox.com and on their Android or iOS device (if they have one).
For shared folders with fewer than six members, each person is subscribed to comments by default, and will receive all notifications for files in that shared folder.
Reply to a comment directed at you by responding to the notification email. Your response will appear in the file's comment pane beneath the original comment on both dropbox.com and in the mobile apps.
How do I let someone know that I commented on a file?
The owner of the file, anyone who has commented on the file, anyone who was @mentioned in the file, and—if the file is in a shared folder with fewer than six people—all members of the shared folder will automatically be notified of your comment.
To notify someone else, you can @mention them to bring them into the conversation. You can do so by typing the @ symbol and beginning to type their name. (Do not add a space after the @ symbol.) If that person is in your contacts, an autocomplete option will be shown. If not, you can type the @symbol, followed by their email address to notify them.
How do I reply to a comment?
In addition to leaving new comments, you can also reply to existing comments in the comments pane of a file preview.
- In the list of all your files and folders on dropbox.com, click a file to preview it.
- In the comments pane, hover your mouse cursor over an existing comment.
- Click Reply to open a text box.
- Click inside the text box to type your reply.
- Once finished with your reply, click Post.
How do I @mention a user who isn't on Dropbox?
You can type the @ symbol, followed by the person's email address to mention them in your comment. (Do not add a space after the @ symbol.) They will receive an email to the email address you commented at, notifying them that you mentioned them in your comment.
Can anyone with a Dropbox account see my comments?
Comments visibility is tied to the visibility of the file. Anyone who can see the file can also see the comments associated with it. If you've shared the file with people, they will be able to see all comments on the file.
How do I disable comments for my Dropbox Business team?
- Sign in to dropbox.com.
- Open your Admin Console.
- Select the Sharing tab.
- Under Commenting settings, select Yes to allow comments on all shared files or No to disable comments for everyone on the team.
![Team settings](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1656836/business/Comments/Comments%E2%80%94Business%20team%20settings.png)
Note: If comments are left enabled, members of your team will be able to disable comments on a per-file basis.
How can I disable a file's comments from my browser?
In your browser, clicking Options from the comments pane will reveal a dropdown. If the file is in your Dropbox, you can click Disable comments to disable all comments for that file.
How can I hide or reveal the comments pane from my browser?
You can hide the comments pane when viewing the file on dropbox.com by clicking Options and then clicking Hide comments. To reveal the comments pane, click the bar with the comments icon to the right of your document.
How do I unsubscribe from comments notifications from my browser?
When signed in and viewing the file on dropbox.com, click Options from the comments pane. From the drop-down menu, you can unsubscribe from notifications. If another user mentions you in a comment, but you have unsubscribed from comments on that file, you will receive a notification for the comment that mentions you.
How do I unsubscribe from comments notifications from my Android phone or tablet?
When viewing the file on your Android device, the bell icon at the top-right of the comments pane indicates whether you are subscribed to comments. Pressing that icon toggles notifications on or off for that file.
How do I unsubscribe from comments notifications from my iPhone or iPad?
When viewing the file on your iOS device, the bell icon at the top-left of the comments pane indicates whether you are subscribed to comments. Pressing that icon toggles notifications on or off for that file.
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